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Fast Current Transformer (FCT)

Fast Current Transformer (FCT) is used for non-destructive measurement of pulsed beam current. It is a passive, in-flange FCT. It consists of stainless steel CF150 conflate flanges, a ferrite core and an Alumina ceramic brake. A BNC connector is provided for measurement. It can be used to measure pulse beam currents of duration up to 10 µs, has a sensitivity 3 V/A and droop is less than 5%/ µs. It is UHV compatible.

Fast Current Transformer (FCT) is used for non-destructive measurement of pulsed beam current. It is a passive, in-flange FCT. It consists of stainless steel CF150 conflate flanges, a ferrite core and an Alumina ceramic brake. A BNC connector is provided for measurement. This FCT can be used to measure pulse beam currents of duration up to 10 µs, has a sensitivity 3 V/A and droop is less than 5%/ µs. It is UHV compatible.


  • It is a non-destructive method of beam current measurement.
  • Easy to use, UHV compatible.
  • It is an import substitute; currently FCT is not available in Indian market.

Fast Current Transformer (FCT) is a device used for non-destructive measurement of pulsed beam current. In accelerator technology, FCT’s are routinely used for the measurement of pulsed beam current during accelerator operation in the beam line at the exit of ion source/ electron gun or accelerating tube.

APPD, BARC has developed an In-flange, passive FCT consisting of SS304 conflate flanges, a ferrite core and Alumina ceramic brake. A BNC connector is provided for the measurement. FCT is UHV compatible and can be used to measure pulsed beam currents having pulse width up to 10µs. The Sensitivity is 3V/A and Droop is less than 5%/µs.


  • It is a non-destructive method of beam current measurement
  • Easy to use, UHV compatible
  • It is an import substitute; currently FCT is not available in Indian market.


a) Physical Parameters

Size: OD: 203 mm, ID: 52 mm, length: 44 mm
End connection: CF150 conflate flanges
Flange Material: SS304

b) Electrical Parameters

Sensitivity: 3V/A (when terminated with 50 Ω resistor)
Voltage Droop: ≤ 5 %/ µs (linear up to 8 µs pulse width)
Maximum Pulse width: ~10 µs
Maximum Peak Beam Current: 500 mA


a. Infrastructure Requirements

  • A laboratory having following equipments:
    i) 25 MHz Pulse Generator
    ii) 30 V DC power Supply
    iii) 200 MHz Oscilloscope

b. Statutory Requirements

  • No safety hazards, no statutory requirements

c. Raw materials

  • All the raw materials required for the fabrication of Fast Current Transformer are freely available in the Indian market.

d. Manpower requirements

  • One Electrical/ Electronics engineer is required for the calibration/testing of device. One Technician is required for the transformer winding and leak testing.
SR NO. Organization name Licensee Name Licensee Code ACQUIRED ON Valid Till Address City State Email Phone
01 EAGLE STAR VENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED MR. KAMAL BABU SINGH 302 30-10-2020 29-10-2027 SHOP NO.90 VINDHYA COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, SEC-11 PLOT NO.1 CBD BELAPUR - NAVI MUMBAI Navi Mumbai Maharashtra info@eaglestarventures.com 02249765507
02 Rectifiers & Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Gulshan Matta 407 23-06-2022 - 10/3 DLF Industrial Area Moti Nagar New Delhi - 110015 Delhi Delhi gmatta@re-india.com 011-4380100
03 CG POWER AND INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS LTD SANDEEP KULKARNI 300 06-01-2021 05-01-2028 D2-D1/2,MIDC,WALUJ,AURANGABAD Aurangabad Maharashtra sandeep.kulkarni@cgglobal.com 02408558030
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General License Fee : ₹ 66,000.00 (Sixty Six Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%