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Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Monitor (Model-1)

Determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) is important in various industries. In nuclear power plants the specification of DO concentration in coolant circuit is less than 7 ppb. It is also important to monitor DO in industrial waste, sewage and water bodies. BARC has developed DO monitor which has wide linear dynamic range, suitable for the determination of DO at ppb concentration range for various industrial applications.

Determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) is important in various industries. In nuclear power plants the specification of DO concentration in coolant circuit is less than 7 ppb. It is also important to monitor DO in industrial waste, sewage and water bodies. BARC has developed DO monitor which has wide linear dynamic range, suitable for the determination of DO at ppb concentration range for various industrial applications.

  1. The sensor is based on the indigenously developed technology and locally available materials
  2. Battery operated, portable and tolerant to electrical noise and moisture.
  3. Technical parameters: Dynamic range 1 ppb to 20 ppm; Resolution 0.1 ppb at 2 ppm range; Aqueous medium, Working temperature 10 to 80 °C.
  1. Determination of DO in nuclear power plants and other chemical plants at ppb concentration range for continuous and in batch mode of operation under flow conditions
  2. The unit is also suitable for the determination of DO at ppm concentration in feed water, treated sewage water and potable water under flow condition.

BARC has developed DO monitor which has wide linear dynamic range, suitable for the determination of DO at ppb concentration range for various industrial applications


Determination of dissolved oxygen is important in various industries. It requires continuous monitoring to keep the corrosion of the structural material under control and thus to improve the life of the chemical plants. In nuclear power plants the specification of DO concentration in coolant circuit is less than 7 ppb. Determination of the dissolved oxygen is also important in industrial waste, sewage and water bodies. Determination of dissolved oxygen in potable water is an important water quality parameter. Present model has been designed for the continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen under flow condition

The working principle is based on the redox coupling of two metals with difference in redox properties. The reduction current of oxygen is the measurable parameter for the determination of dissolved oxygen. The current flow due to this process is measured using the electronics device and the measured current is calibrated with respect to the dissolved oxygen concentration. Sensor displays the reading of dissolved oxygen concentration in ppm/ppb units

  1. The sensor is based on the indigenously developed technology and locally available materials.
  2. Battery operated, portable and tolerant to electrical noise and moisture.
  3. The unit has been designed using intrusion proof (IP66) aluminum enclosure & intrusion proof (IP67) switches & connectors with inbuilt rechargeable battery and integrated low power LCD panel meter for uninterrupted operation.
  4. Technical parameters: Dynamic range 1 ppb to 20 ppm; Resolution 0.1 ppb at 2 ppm range; Aqueous medium, Working temperature 10 to 80 °C.
  5. Good market potential of such sensor in various industries with requirements of continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen.
  6. Unit can be manufactured at lower cost compared to the imported items.
  1. Determination of DO in nuclear power plants and other chemical plants at ppb concentration range for continuous and in batch mode of operation under flow conditions
  2. The unit is also suitable for the determination of DO at ppm concentration in feed water, treated sewage water and potable water under flow condition.


  1. All the raw materials required are available in the local market


  1. pH Meter
  2. DM water facility
  3. Thermometer
  4. Nitrogen gas cylinder
  5. Gas purging facility
  6. Electronic laboratory with facility for assembly & testing of PCBs.
  7. DMM, DSO, electronic calibrator with current source etc.
  8. Mechanical assembly facilities like drill machine etc.


  1. Factory shade of 200 sq. ft. area with DM water facilities


  1. Single phase power connection


  1. Production Manager: 01, Chemist: 01, Electronic / Instrumentation Engineer: 01, Technician and operator: 01.
SR NO. Organization name Licensee Name Licensee Code ACQUIRED ON Valid Till Address City State Email Phone
01 M/S. TRIUMPH DESIGN CORPORATION Mr. KAMAL R. PANCHAL, Mr. HIREN R. PANCHAL 36 16-09-2022 - 208, Shiv Sagar Ind Est., Kotkar Road, Goregon (E) Mumbai Maharashtra kamal@triumphdesign.in 9820527156
02 KNITECH INDUSTRIES MR. D. KARTHIKEYAN 564 10-04-2023 09-04-2028 KNITECH INDUSTRIES, 5-E, DR,JAGANATHA NAGAR, CIVIL AERODROME POST, COIMBATORE (T.N.) 641014 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu knitechindustries@gmail.com 9843520009
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General License Fee : ₹ 77,000.00 (Seventy Seven Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%