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ANUSUCHAK: Dongle for The Detection of Elevated Levels of Gamma Radiation

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has developed a novel radiation detection dongle - ANUSUCHAK, for the real time detection of elevated levels of gamma radiation. It is based on a silicon PIN detector for achieving small size and low power/low voltage operation. It is implemented adopting an approach to provide desired performance at verya low-cost enabling mass production for the deployment over a large scale. ANUSUCHAK is simple to use without any special training. It is interfaced with a USB 2.0 interface to a smart phone or PC/Laptop to enable recording of data in real time for visualization and for transfer to a control room or emergency response center.The recorded data is linked to GPS coordinates of the location with an indication on Google Map.

ANUSUCHAK is a novel gamma radiation detection device based on an approach to provide desired performance, low cost, mass production and small dimensions. ANUSUCHAK is capable of detection of elevated levels of gamma radiation in real time. This device can be connected to a smart phone or PC/Laptop for real time numerical and graphical display. Also, the data is saved in files with time stamp and GPS coordinates for visualization at any time and for generating reports.

Sr. No.SpecificationValue
1Size3" × 1.2" × 0.8"
2DetectorSilicon PIN detector
3Interface to PC/smart phoneUSB 2.0 for POWER and data display, storage
4Software operationAndroid (for smart phone) or Windows (for PC)
5CalibrationPerformed with gamma sources Cs-137 (662 keV), Co-60 (1.1MeV+1.3 MeV), Am-241 (60 keV) using BARC standard facility
6Range0.5 mR/hr to 2R/hr for 3 s counting time, lower range possible by increasing counting time
7Energy flatteningWithin ± 15 %
8Software featuresi) Status of connection, device check, GPS, ii) Display of various parameters, iii) Visual/audio alarms, iv) Real time numerical and graphical display, v) Logging of data with time, vi) Time stamping and GPS coordinates of data, vii) Reloading of data for visualization, viii) Password protected provision to set different parameters.
  1. Monitoring of trafficking of radioactive materials outside regulatory areas for preventions of threats: airports, railway stations, border posts, police, work places, etc.
  2. Military: Radioactivity assessment in battle fields.
  3. Emergency response management for assessment of activity and demarcation of zones based on the activity.

A compact, low-cost, widely deployable gamma-ray detection device is essential for prevention of radiological incident or emergency response management in the case of an incident. Such a device has particularly applications in the field of national security and military such as emergency response, battlefield assessment, monitoring at borders, airports, railway stations and personal exposure monitoring. A gamma detection device along with smart phone of PC/laptop interface has been developed by BARC. This device uses a PIN silicon detector for generation of electronics signal corresponding to each gamma ray interaction with the detector material. A low power signal processing electronics amplifies and processes the signal for counting by a microcontroller. The device is powered through USB 2.0 interface and the data is displayed with time stamp and GPS coordinates using a Android or Windows based software. The device can be further revised for wireless/blue tooth connectivity or battery based standalone system.

  1. Based on a silicon PIN detector for achieving small size and low power/low voltage operation, very simple to use without special training.
  2. USB 2.0 interface to smart phone or PC/Laptop for power and display of data/record of data.
  3. Provision to set various parameters with password control.
  4. Graphical and numerical display of data.
  5. Audio and visual alarms when the radiation exceeds warning or danger level.
  6. Recorded data is linked to GPS coordinates of the location with indication on Google Map.
Sr. No.SpecificationValue
1Size3" × 1.2" × 0.8"
2DetectorSilicon PIN detector
3Interface to PC/smart phoneUSB 2.0 for POWER and data display, storage
4Software operationAndroid (for smart phone) or Windows (for PC)
5CalibrationPerformed with gamma sources Cs-137 (662 keV), Co-60 (1.1MeV+1.3 MeV), Am-241 (60 keV) using BARC standard facility
6Range0.5 mR/hr to 2R/hr for 3 s counting time, lower range possible by increasing counting time
7Energy flatteningWithin ± 15 %
8Software featuresi) Status of connection, device check, GPS, ii) Display of various parameters, iii) Visual/audio alarms, iv) Real time numerical and graphical display, v) Logging of data with time, vi) Time stamping and GPS coordinates of data, vii) Reloading of data for visualization, viii) Password protected provision to set different parameters.
  1. Monitoring of trafficking of radioactive materials outside regulatory areas for preventions of threats: airports, railway stations, border posts, police, work places, etc.
  2. Military: Radioactivity assessment in battle fields.
  3. Emergency response management for assessment of activity and demarcation of zones based on the activity.
  4. Wearable/handheld devices for police, security personnel, emergency response teams.
  5. Vehicle mounted devices for trucks, trains, airplanes, battle tanks, etc.


  1. Since this is electronic equipment, it does not require large working space.
  2. ~100 Square Feet total area may be more than adequate.

Man Power

  1. One Electronics or Instrumentation Engineer for hardware production consisting of printed circuit board design, assembly & testing of the device.
  2. One MCA or BSc IT or Diploma person for firmware and application software.

Power Supply

  1. The device is powered via USB 2.0 and does not need a separate power supply during operation. For testing, a 5 V power supply can be used.

Test Equipment

  1. Standard Test & measuring facility for electronic systems mainly oscilloscope, digital multimeter, soldering station.

Other Facilities

  1. Micro-controller programming and testing.
SR NO. Organization name Licensee Name Licensee Code ACQUIRED ON Valid Till Address City State Email Phone
01 M/s Nuclenix Systems Pvt. Ltd. Sh J.N Reddy 194 23-06-2022 - - - - info@nucleonix.com
02 Pla Electro Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Shri. Tarak N. Shah 483 25-10-2023 24-10-2028 Pla House, Thakor Estate, Kurla Kirol Road, Vidyavihar (West), Mumbai - 400086 Mumbai Maharashtra plaelectro65@gmail.com 022-25116864
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General License Fee : ₹ 80,000.00 (Eighty Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%