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ANU-CHAITANYA (A versatile bioregulator for sustainable crop production)

In the field of agriculture, major problem is the loss in crop yield due to different abiotic stresses and, increased episodes of climatic variations and unpredictability. In this regard, BARC, in collaboration with Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune, has developed a versatile bioregulator named as "ANU-CHAITANYA" containing gamma-irradiated chitosan (a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed β--linked D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine units). ANU-CHAITANYA application not only boost plant growth but also, activate built-in plant defense to tolerate multiple stress conditions.

In the field of agriculture, major problem is the loss in crop yield due to different abiotic stresses and, increased episodes of climatic variations and unpredictability. To overcome this problem, BARC has developed "ANU-CHAITANYA" which is a versatile plant bioregulator for enhancing growth as well as stress tolerance.

  1. ANU-CHAITANYA is a versatile bioregulator which enhances both growth as well as stress tolerance.
  2. The mechanistic basis for the functioning of ANU-CHAITANYA has been investigated.
  3. ANU-CHAITANYA performance has been tested in crops under farmer's field conditions.
  1. ANU-CHAITANYA is versatile and can be applied on various crops including, rice, soybean, sugarcane, banana and also, on flowering plants to improves growth and provide stress tolerance against multiple abiotic stress conditions.

Plants, being a sessile organism, are bound to face multiple abiotic and biotic stress conditions throughout their life. The co-ordinated activation of defense machinery is the key for the minimizing the stress-induced negative impacts. Most of the tolerance mechanisms are energy-demanding and hence, the energy budget or overall plant health is very important for plant's survival under the adverse conditions. In this context, NABTD, BARC and Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune have jointly developed "ANU-CHAITANYA" which is a versatile bioregulator that not only boost plant growth; but, also activate built-in plant defense to tolerate multiple stress conditions.

  1. The active ingredients of ANU-CHAITANYA are of low-cost and easily available in local materials.
  2. ANU-CHAITANYA involves radiation treatment that improves its bioavailability to plants.
  3. ANU-CHAITANYA can be stored at room temperature.
  4. Easy to be scaled-up or -down.
  1. ANU-CHAITANYA is versatile to be applied on various grain crops, vegetable and flowering plants.
  1. ANU-CHAITANYA application is given in the form of foliar application, at the time of vegetative maturity and/or active grain filling stage.
  2. Mix 500 ml of Anu-Chaitanya in 100 litre of water and spray on plants (preferably during the evening time) till the formation of mist. "ANU-CHAITANYA" kit is for one acre of agriculture land.
  3. An optional seed soaking can be given, especially for grain crops. Use the final working solution to soak the seeds. After 6-7 hours of soaking, wash the seeds and grow them using common agriculture practices.

a. Raw Materials

  1. All the raw materials required are available in the local market.

b. Equipments/consumables

  1. Commercial type gamma irradiation facility
  2. pH Meter
  3. Distilled water

c. Irradiation

  1. Chitosan is to be irradiated in either gamma-rays or electron-beam irradiation facility.

d. Space

  1. Factory shade of 200 sq. ft. area.

e. Power

  1. Single phase power connection.

f. Manpower

  1. Production Manager: 01, Chemist: 01, Technician and operator: 01

NOTE: FCO (Fertilization control order) registration for large-scale production/commercialization will be done by the party taking up the technology.

SR NO. Organization name Licensee Name Licensee Code ACQUIRED ON Valid Till Address City State Email Phone
01 Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Mr. Shivajirao Deshmukh 667 15-02-2023 14-02-2028 Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (Bk), Tal.-Haveli, Dist.-Pune, Maharashtra 412307 Pune Maharashtra admin@vsisugar.org.in 02026902100 / 2
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General License Fee : ₹ 100,000.00 (One Lakh)

General Royalty : 0%