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On-line Domestic water purifier based on Ultra Filtration Polysulfone membrane

This device is based on polysulfone type of ultrafiltration membrane in a unique cylindrical configuration and useful to purify the domestic water with respect to microorganism, colour, odour, suspended solids and organics. It is very effective as it removes bacteria to the extent of > 99.99% (4 log scale) & removes complete turbidity and produces crystal clear water. This device does not need electricity or addition of any chemical.

The "on-line domestic water purification device" is based on polysulfone type of ultrafiltration membrane in a unique cylindrical configuration to purify the domestic water with respect to microorganism, colour, odour, suspended solids and organics.  This device is not only much less expensive but superior to existing devices in many ways and has following features: 

  • Very effective as it removes bacteria to the extent of > 99.99% (4 log scale)
  • As the device filters out bacteria, no dead bacteria in product water
  • Removes complete turbidity and produces crystal clear water
  • Work in a dead end device so not a single drop of water is wasted
  • Does not need electricity or addition of any chemical
  • Provision to remove organic or colouring material if they are present in feed
  • Highly strong (both chemically and mechanically) membranes giving high life (3-5 years)
  • Almost maintenance free except occasional cleaning of suspended solids which deposits on membrane surface and this does not take more than 3-4 minutes time
  • Device works between the hydrostatic heads (5 psig to 35 psig) and can produce about 40 litres of pure water per day at about 10 psig head)

Due to rapid increase in population in general and urbanisation in particular, over exploitation of good quality water sources and poor water supply system, a large population of developing countries do not have access to good quality potable water and is susceptible to water borne diseases which account to about 90% of our visit to a medical doctor. There are few on line devices in market for purification of domestic water (mostly U.V. treatment type) which are not only expensive but needs frequent maintenance/replacement. The "on-line domestic water purification device" is based on polysulfone type of ultrafiltration membrane in a unique cylindrical configuration.


This device is not only much less expensive but superior to existing devices in many ways and has following features: 

  • Very effective as it removes bacteria to the extent of > 99.99% (4 log scale).
  • As the device filters out bacteria, no dead bacteria in product water. 
  • Removes complete turbidity and produces crystal clear water. 
  • Work in a dead end device so not a single drop of water is wasted. 
  • Does not need electricity or addition of any chemical. 
  • Provision to remove organic or colouring material if they are present in feed. 
  • Highly strong (both chemically and mechanically) membranes giving high life (3-5 years). 
  • Almost maintenance free except occasional cleaning of suspended solids which deposits on membrane surface and this does not take more than 3-4 minutes time. 
  • Device works between the hydrostatic heads (5 psig to 35 psig) and can produce about 40 litres of pure water per day at about 10 psig head). 


  • To purify the domestic water with respect to microorganism, colour, odour, suspended solids and organics. 


Briefly, the process involves preparation of a membrane casting solution consisting of basic polymer, selected additive and solvent, and then coating of a polymeric film from this solution on a porous support by phase inversion process. Rest of the things are simple assembly of this membrane filter in appropriate housing etc.


  • All the raw materials like polysulfone polymers, additives and solvents are produced within the country and are available in local market. 


  • A small room with window air-conditioner/dehumidifier is needed to coat ultrafiltration membrane unit. All the steps in the presented technology are manual in nature and hence does not require electrical power for process. Constant source of water is needed to produce and test the membrane device. The total material cost for producing about 1000 sets of domestic water purifier would be about Rs 5.5 lakhs.


  • One Chemist and one technician to observe the process and two skilled workers would be adequate to produce about 25 water purifiers per day.

SR NO. Organization name Licensee Name Licensee Code ACQUIRED ON Valid Till Address City State Email Phone
01 New India Sales Corporation Mr. Abhijeet Eknath Suryawanshi 540 14-02-2022 13-02-2027 New India Sales Corporation, 66, Jai Hind College Rd, Jaihind Colony, Deopur, Junior, Dhule 424002, Maharashtra Dhule Maharashtra niscdhule@gmail.com 9422276663
02 Mrudujal Technologies Mr. Devdatta Bhaskar Hambardikar 557 19-10-2022 18-10-2027 Mrudujal Technologies, 11, Nityanand Enclave, Plote-12, Nanak Society, Off Salunke Vihar Road, Kondhawa Khurd, Pune-411048, Maharashtra Pune Maharashtra dbh@mrudujal.com 9960621964 / 98
03 Weldynamics Mr. Shailendra Singh Thakur 527 12-07-2022 11-07-2027 Weldynamics, 303, Block M-18, SS Infinitus, MR-11, Indore 452010, M. P. Indore Madhya Pradesh value@weldynamics.com 9826476547
04 M/s Rupali Industrie Mrs. Rupali Repale 199 03-02-2006 02-02-2028 - Mumbai Maharashtra rupaliaqua@gmail.com  9272212212
05 TAYLORMADE RENEWABLES LIMITED Mr. Dharmendra Gor 689 20-09-2023 19-09-2028 705, SHAPATH -II, OPP. RAJPATH CLUB, S. G. ROAD, BODAKDEV, Ahmedabad Gujarat dharam@tss-india.com 09712933390
06 M/s Osmotech Membranes Pvt. Ltd Sh. J.G Vagadia 195 05-06-2023 04-06-2028 Plot No.: 7-A,Survey No.:238, N.H-8B Gondal high way, Veraval-Shapar Rajkot Gujarat info@osmotechmembranes.com 9925125625
07 Rupali Aquatech Mrs. Riya Rahul Repale 661 03-02-2023 02-02-2028 Rupali Aquatech, E6/13 Bhumi World Industrial Estate, Near Nashik Kalyan By Pass Highway, Bhiwandi 421302, Thane, Maharashtra Thane Maharashtra rupaliaquatech@gmail.com 9322014548 / 93
08 Lakshman Vudanrao Lakshman Vudanrao 625 29-11-2023 28-11-2028 Residency, Ravindranar, St # 8, Habsiguda404, H.No. 1-2-61, Plot # 4, N-Block, Kakatiyanagar, St # 3, Habsiguda, Hyderabad-500007 Hyderabad Telangana iplabs@i2pinnovations.com 08008121250
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General License Fee : ₹ 140,000.00 (One Lakh Forty Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%