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Solar Energy Driven Portable Domestic Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (Bwro) Technology

This technology is based on solar photovoltaic (PV) system hence it is battery-less, off-grid/stand-alone. It has capacity of 10 litres/hr (lph) which can desalinate contaminated water of salinity 1000 - 3000 ppm (mg/lit) to provide drinking water of 50 - 300 ppm. The product water will be devoid of toxic elements, pathogens & turbidity too. It is best suited for remote/rural areas where electricity is not available or the voltage is not stable. It can be used in urban areas also. As it is portable, it will be of great help for the people working in desert areas especially in the case of defense personnel. 

This technology is based on solar photovoltaic (PV) system hence it is battery-less, off-grid/stand-alone. It has capacity of 10 litres/hr (lph) which can desalinate contaminated water of salinity 1000 - 3000 ppm (mg/lit) to provide drinking water of 50 - 300 ppm. The product water will be devoid of toxic elements, pathogens & turbidity too.

Salient Feature

  • No need of grid electricity or battery.
  • Compact and light weighted. Can be used as mobile units.
  • The solar power unit is a one time investment.
  • No day- to - day maintenance.
  • No chemicals required.
  • Product water is devoid of extra salinity, toxic elements, pathogens & turbidity.


This technology is best suited for remote/rural areas where electricity is not available or the voltage is not stable. It can be used in urban areas also. As it is portable, it will be of great help for people working in desert areas especially in the case of defense personnel.


This technology is based on solar photovoltaic (PV) system hence it is battery-less, off-grid/stand-alone. It has capacity of 10 litres/hr (lph) which can desalinate contaminated water of salinity 1000 - 3000 ppm (mg/lit) to provide drinking water of 50 - 300 ppm. The product water will be devoid of toxic elements, pathogens & turbidity too.

Salient Feature

  • No need of grid electricity or battery
  • Compact and light weighted. Can be used as mobile units.
  • The solar power unit is a one time investment.
  • No day- to - day maintenance
  • No chemicals required
  • Product water is devoid of extra salinity, toxic elements, pathogens & turbidity

Working Principle

  • In this technology, water purification/desalination takes place by a pressure driven, membrane based process called Reverse Osmosis.
  • Electricity required for pressurization is generated with the help of solar PV system.


  • The technology is best suited for remote/rural areas where electricity is not available or the voltage is not steady. 
  • It can be used in urban areas also.
  • As it is portable, it will be of great help for people working in desert areas especially in the case of defense personnel.

Space required

  • A space of 10 m2 (min) area is required for doing assembly / integration of the components whereas testing is done outside.
  • Area requirement for storage of materials can be decided by the party, as it will vary depending on the amount of inventory

Manpower Requirement

  • Assembly is manual and simple.
  • One person can assemble a unit, following the provided P&I diagram.
  • Testing/operation also can be done by a single person who knows normal operation of a pump.
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General License Fee : ₹ 25,000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand)

General Royalty : 0%